about us

You will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.

John 8:32

We live in a time in history when knowledge is literally exploding all over the planet due to the technology available today. Smart tech is almost everywhere, even in the most remote villages of the world. Look around and you will see people connected via computers and smart devices scouring the internet for insight.

We formed the J832 platform to share Jesus with a world that is seeking truth—and that Truth is Jesus!

In the Book of Esther, Mordecai shared a profound statement that still resonates with many Christ-followers today⁠—“For who knows if you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14). Esther’s story resonates with each member of our small creative team. God created us for such a time as this and gave us the creative and technical talents to use for His kingdom purposes … and, most importantly, to lead others to the foot of the cross and to grow their relationships with our LORD.

What We Do

We create Christ-centered videos to encourage people to seek the Truth of who Christ is and to grow deeper in their relationships with God.

We partner with Bible scholars and Bible-teaching pastors & leaders who teach biblically-sound doctrine. The teachers we work with have hearts to reach the lost, to bring hope to the hopeless, and to strengthen relationships with our LORD & Savior.

With God’s help, we are actively transforming lives with the Love, Truth and Hope of Jesus.

Past Projects

Here are some series.

This short series takes a simplified approach to answering the question, “What is the Gospel?”

This series offers insight regarding how to live out your faith in Jesus.

This 2 part series helps gain an understanding the difference between false and bad teachers.

This video addresses the legitimacy of the Bible and will give you a special tool to share with others.

Current Project

The Overcome video series addresses the struggles we all battle in life, including: fear, discouragement, impatience, worry, and 15+ other struggles. For this multi-part series, we have partnered with different pastors and leaders throughout the Christian community. Each video is doctrinally sound and encourages the viewer to live a Christ-centered life. Currently, a handful of videos are complete and available online. 4 more topics have been filmed and are currently in the post-production phase. Each video is under 10 minutes in length and incorporates the teacher along with filler video to keep the viewer engaged.

A brief description of Overcome: “We all face a variety of challenges that life throws at us. These challenges have the potential to tear us apart if we don’t find the means to overcome them. This ongoing series will address the most crippling of struggles people face and provide biblically-based answers to help overcome and win the battle.”